To register your interest in attending with your vehicle please complete the form below:

Exhibitor Information:

We love to see all the wonderfully preserved vehicles attending Crowle Show each year. With Sections for Vintage Tractors, (both preserved and original State), Stationary Engines, Motorbikes and classic cars alike.

Please complete the above form if you would like to attend and our Vehicle Secretary will be in touch to confirm your space, we like to ensure variety for the public to admire so limit the numbers of similar vehicles.

Where the schedule permits we may also invite vehicles to parade in our main ring.

Vehicles are to be on site and stationary for 9:30am for insurance purposes vehicles must remain stationary untill 4:30pm 

In the case of emergencies, escort from the show ground may be arranged by permission of the Committee, which can be found in the secretaries tent.

Please Note with each vehicle we permit entry for 1 driver and 1 passenger, any other guests will need to pay general admission to the show.

Each year the committee is held by a group of volunteers who work tirelessly to improve the show year on year for people to enjoy and as such any disrespect shown to either committee, public or the show field will not be tolerated.